Bristol Leagues HALO status

This is to provide guidance on how to ensure we get all our league matches played, given that we all have different preferences since the arrival of the pandemic.
To this end each player has been asked to select one of four categories in what we are calling "HALO status" for their preferred mode of playing during the season.

The four categories are:

A category, once selected, would not be set in stone. Circumstances can change, and you may decide to change your status in the light of changed circumstances.
So how should this work in practice?
If you are an H, then you can play all of your matches online. However, an appearance of an H player in a live setting would have the effect of resetting that player from H to O.
If you are an A, you will happily fit in with whatever your opponent wishes/needs.
If you are an L, and your opponent is an O, you should compromise and play one match live and one match online.
If you are in a division where each opponent is played 3 times (this would only possibly apply to Premier Three), then you should play one match in each environment, and flip a coin (or similar) to decide on the third.
This could also decide whether your initial match will be live or online.
Of course, the meetings are not compulsorily L and O. It could be that under some circumstances an O might agree to two L meetings, or vice versa.

The emphasis is on guidance. With guidance in place, there should never be a need for disputes. If there’s guidance available, just use it. And please, no petty squabbling.

Find out more about the Bristol Premier League by clicking on any of the following links:
Current Premier Two rules
Current Premier Three rules
Current Premier One positions
Current Premier Two Blue positions
Current Premier Two Red positions
Current Premier Three Green positions
Current Premier Three Yellow positions
Premier Status
Procedure for splitting the Premier League
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