Monday Club Autumn Grand Prix

The Rules

The Autumn Grand Prix comprises the competitive elements from each Monday session between October and December inclusive, with the exception of Nackgammon sessions.
Each Monday, unless there are fewer than four players online prepared to take part, a different element of low key competition will be staged, and the entry fee will be £0.
There will be an optional £10 side pool available for those who wish to partake, and should that pool exceed £50 in any such group it will be split in a ratio of 70:30, otherwise it will be won outright.

The different Monday elements are:

3-point Round Robins:
Groups of 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 players playing each other in matches to 3 points;
Players will form a single group, or be split into multiple groups, depending on the total number of entries as follows:
4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 players form a single group;
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 players form two equal, or nearly equal, groups;
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 players form three equal, or nearly equal groups;
and so on;
those in the side pool will be spread evenly between the groups.
Autumn Grand Prix points will be awarded by position in each group.
In these sessions players' performance rating (PR) will be used as a positional tie break by players with equal win totals.
Points awarded are as follows:
4 players: 1st 21 pts; 2nd 13; 3rd 8; 4th 5.
5 players: 1st 24 pts; 2nd 16; 3rd 11; 4th 8; 5th 5.
6 players: 1st 27 pts; 2nd 19; 3rd 14; 4th 11; 5th 8; 6th 5.
7 players: 1st 30 pts; 2nd 22; 3rd 17; 4th 14; 5th 11; 6th 8; 7th 5.
8 players: 1st 33 pts; 2nd 25; 3rd 20; 4th 17; 5th 14; 6th 11; 7th 8; 8th 5.

DMP Tournos:
Groups of up to 15 players playing each other in single game matches (i.e. double match point).
Players will form a single group, or be split into multiple groups, depending on the total number of entries as follows:
4, 5 or 6 players form single 3-point round robin groups;
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 players form a single DMP group;
16 to 30 players form two equal, or nearly equal, DMP groups;
31 to 45 players form three equal, or nearly equal, DMP groups;
and so on;
those in the side pool will be spread evenly between the groups.
Autumn Grand Prix points will be awarded by position in each group.
In online sessions players' performance rating (PR) will be used as a positional tie break by players with equal win totals.
Points awarded are as follows:
4, 5 or 6 players: (format reverts to 3-point Round Robins, see above).
7 players: 1st 18 pts; 2nd 14; 3rd 11; 4th 9; 5th 7; 6th 6; 7th 5.
8 players: 1st 19 pts; 2nd 15; 3rd 12; 4th 10; 5th 8; 6th 7; 7th 6; 8th 5.
9 players: 1st 20 pts; 2nd 16; 3rd 13; 4th 11; 5th 9; 6th 8; 7th 7; 8th 6; 9th 5.
10 players: 1st 22 pts; 2nd 18; 3rd 15; 4th 12; 5th 10; 6th 9; 7th 8; 8th 7; 9th 6; 10th 5.
11 players: 1st 23 pts; 2nd 19; 3rd 16; 4th 13; 5th 11; 6th 10; 7th 9; 8th 8; 9th 7; 10th 6; 11th 5.
12 players: 1st 24 pts; 2nd 20; 3rd 17; 4th 14; 5th 12; 6th 11; 7th 10; 8th 9; 9th 8; 10th 7; 11th 6, 12th 5.
13 players: 1st 26 pts; 2nd 22; 3rd 19; 4th 16; 5th 14; 6th 13; 7th 12; 8th 11; 9th 10; 10th 9; 11th 7, 12th 6, 13th 5.
14 players: 1st 27 pts; 2nd 23; 3rd 20; 4th 17; 5th 15; 6th 14; 7th 13; 8th 12; 9th 11; 10th 10; 11th 8, 12th 7, 13th 6, 14th 5.
15 players: 1st 28 pts; 2nd 24; 3rd 21; 4th 18; 5th 16; 6th 15; 7th 14; 8th 13; 9th 12; 10th 11; 11th 9, 12th 8, 13th 7, 14th 6, 15th 5.

A player's points from all events are are added together, although when more than six events are entered, lowest scoring events are discarded.
The Autumn Grand Prix will be subject to an engraved memento for the overall winner.

Autumn Grand Prix current positions
Autumn Grand Prix schedule
Autumn Grand Prix home page
Monday Club grand prix history page
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