The eighth monthly Bristol Grand Prix tournament of 2024......
...... is on Thursday, October 10th,
TOURNAMENT #10 of 12
The details:
- Entry to the tournament is £10;
- At least 80% of all entry fees will be redistributed in prizes on the night;
- Approximately 10% of the fees will go towards prizes for the overall Grand Prix leaders at the end of the year;
- The remaining percentage is taken as an administration fee;
- The event will consist of two flights of straight knock-out;
- All matches in the main flight will be played to 7 POINTS;
- All matches in the consolation flight will be played to 5 POINTS;
- If there are fewer than 7 entrants, a "Round Robin" format will be implemented;
- Our standard tournament rules apply (including the Crawford Rule);
- All matches will be played under clock rules, players starting each match with a time bank of 1.5 minutes per point with a 12 seconds delay;
- Tournament Director's decisions are final.
- AND THERE ARE ALSO two optional "WINNER TAKES ALL" pools at £10 and £20, where you can back yourself to win the tournament. If the tournament winner is not in the pool, there is a rollover to the next Bristol Grand Prix tournament!
If you have a board, please bring it!